Tap to play or pause GIFOr the female characters only exist in relation to men's pain and arcs. Or women are portrayed as less capable than men. Or assault and abuse of women is portrayed for drama and shock value. Or when the female characters are put in revealing clothing while the male characters aren't. I could go on all day.
But oftentimes it can be a lot more subtle — yet still just as damaging. One example of subtextual sexism in television comes with the handling of male vs. female villains.I am ALL FOR female villains! But unfortunately, a lot of the time they aren't handled super well.Most supposedly"legendary" or famous villains are male.on the subject, most famous villains are men. Think of the most famous villains of our time: Voldemort. Hannibal Lecter. Darth Vader. Walter White. Thanos.
I want to end on a positive note, so finally, here are some AWESOME female villains that shows did a great job with!Some of my favorites are Villanelle from