'I found out the only reason they got married was because my mom was expecting me.'
Tap to play or pause GIF"I didn't find out until much later in life how close we were to being broke. Maybe it was because I was young or that they hid it so well, but I never felt like we were poor or couldn't do fun things. It was only a few years ago that my mom admitted there were actually times we were days away from losing our house.""When I was a kid, I had terrible anxiety and depression.
I didn't even realize until I was 16 that my mom was struggling with the same problems.""Once, I overheard my mom quip to my dad that she let him put his dick in her ear once.""My dad plays this game called Wordscapes, and he looks up cheating strategies. I just pretend to act surprised when he shows me how fast he finishes levels.""My parents think I don't understand their dirty inside jokes.