'Now I’m 28 and after many years, I have accepted it — and I'm happier than I’ve ever been. I am free.'
"I am never going to be thin and that’s perfectly fine. Turns out it’s a lot easier to live your life when you’re not constantly consumed with hating your own body!""If they wanted to, they would. Don’t settle for the bare minimum expectations from someone. This applies not just to romantic relationships but friendships as well.""That our bodies have an expiration date to have children.
"Sometimes I also believe women often feel pressured to have kids before they are truly ready , just because the chances to have a healthy baby are higher at a younger age.""Your parents don’t actually always know or want what’s best for you, sometimes it is what’s best for them and/or the society they lived in.""You can wait until a circumstance motivates you out of your bad habits, but banking on future motivation risks you wasting most of your life.
"And that compromise is better than losing a friend altogether. And that it’s your responsibility to manage your expectations — not to change their behavior.""Not everyone who comes into your life is meant to stay. Regardless of how much it hurts, sometimes you just have to let people go."Have you learned any hard-to-swallow pills lately? If yes, how did you feel when you realized this life lesson? Tell us in the comments below.