It’s important to prioritize yourself in order to feel your best and show up for your kids.
responsibility. The laundry list of parenting duties can often leave little time for basically anything else — including personal downtime, sleep, and, in some cases, even your own health. Sound familiar, anyone? However, it’s important to remember to prioritize yourself and your health in order to not only feel your best — but also to be able to fully show up for your kids.
, and a jogging stroller makes it easy to set out for 30-minute brisk walks or jogs several times per week to meet this goal.You wouldn’t send your kid to camp without an embarrassing amount of sunscreen on all of their exposed areas, so why treat yourself any differently?a broad-spectrum SPF 30, which blocks 97 percent of the sun’s rays. Oh yeah, and friendly reminder to reapply every two hours — especially if you’re outside during peak daylight.
If you are immunocompromised, or receiving immunosuppressant therapy, you may have less of an immune response to HEPLISAV-B.