The Russian invasion of Ukraine has many people wondering what they can do to help, but for 20-year-old Anchorage resident Ryan White, the answer was easy. White said he needed to go.
The Service High grad left Anchorage on Tuesday, heading for London, Warsaw and finally the Polish border city of Medyka, where thousands of Ukrainian refugees cross every day. White has no plans to fight. In fact, his part-time job with the Alaska Army National Guard prohibits him from stepping foot in Ukraine. Instead, he’s delivering bags of donated medical supplies.
White said he isn’t particularly concerned about his own safety, despite heading to a part of the world where no one knows what will happen next. But his father, Doug White, said he can’t help but worry about his son. The senior White added that he’s proud of his son and ultimately endorses his plan. It’s also a relief that he has a ticket home on April 5.