In an interview, the Italian voice actor for Daruk seems to hint that the upcoming Legend of Zelda: BreathoftheWild2 may cross different times. ”
An interview with the Italian dub voice actor for Daruk may have spilled a possible spoiler for the upcoming Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2. Fans of the first game recently had to deal with disappointment as Nintendo announced Breath of the Wild release date has been pushed back to 2023. Breath of the Wild 2 was originally announced to come out in 2022, but Nintendo moved the date back to assure the quality of the game.
The first Breath of the Wild made an earth-shattering debut into the gaming world by breaking many beloved traditions the Legend of Zelda franchise is known for while making some new ones. Many titles have since tried to follow in its path. Breath of the Wild didn't only give players a larger map with complete freedom to explore it all, it gave players a new kind of Zelda story spanning a century, with a new roster of characters that quickly became fan favorites.
The Legend of Zelda series is no stranger to telling stories across time. The premise of the series itself is about Link, Zelda, and the evil Ganondorf being bound by destiny to keep reincarnating and doing battle with each other. It doesn't stop there, for in Ocarina of Time Link can travel back and forth across seven years to save Hyrule.
From dissecting the infamously confusing official timeline to finding similarities across characters and environments, Legend of Zelda fans have always been avid about looking for connections between the Zelda games to find how they all tie together into the overall story. Whether this supposed ancestor character is Darunia, another familiar Goron from a previous title, a new character entirely, or if they exist at all remains to be confirmed by an official source.
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