Where does human trafficking occur? Alleged sex workers were caught on video soliciting St. Anthony's Catholic school in Oakland, CA.
Video showing alleged sex workers soliciting right outside St. Anthony's in East Oakland is raising concerns about human trafficking in the area.Video showing women who appear to be sex workers soliciting right outside a Catholic grade school in California is raising concerns about human trafficking in the area.
The I-Team captured videos outside the school gate on four different dates over the past couple weeks showing young women wearing barely any clothing walking along the school sidewalk, the street corners, or directly across from the school. All of the videos were captured as children were being dropped off or walked into school.
"I get the call saying -- 'Mr. Gallo I can't get into my home because the pimp is blocking my driveway,'" said Gallo. "It's constant."Young girls are walking in the middle of the street, peaking into cars, and crowding the street corners."How young?" Sierra asked.The problem has plagued the surrounding area for decades, but after recent construction, the women have moved into residential neighborhoods.
"If there is a violent shooting, sometimes we experience those kinds, it scares me a lot," Father Ghebriel said. "We feel powerless... we just pray.""Yes, I know... we start with prayer, but we have to end with action," Father said.If you ask the Oakland Police Dept. - a new law is making it harder for them to crack down.Previously, loitering with the intent to engage in prostitution was illegal. But, a bill introduced by State Sen.
"That footage is very troubling," he said. "We don't want sex work and solicitation happening by schools, it's not acceptable for the children and the neighbors.": "Police officers are saying your bill is prohibiting them from being able to rescue some of these women they believe to be human trafficked.": "That is absolutely dead wrong. SB 357 has been in effect for 30 days, this problem has been around a lot longer.
"Some of the actions the Oakland Police Department has in place; officers conduct high visibility patrolling; instead of enforcement actions. The hope is that the increased presence in different areas by these officers deter activity and does not revictimize those who are victims of human trafficking.