RECALL ALERT: If you have any of these products, throw them away and ask for a refund.
, the recall involves Pine-Sol Scented Multi-Surface Cleaners in Lavender Clean, Sparkling Wave, and Lemon Fresh scents, CloroxPro Pine-Sol All Purpose Cleaners in Lavender Clean, Sparkling Wave, Lemon Fresh, and Orange Energy scents, and Clorox Professional Pine-Sol Lemon Fresh Cleaners.
The company notes that its original Pine-Sol product with a pine scent is not included in the recall. All of the affected products have a date code that starts with “A4,” followed by a five digit number less than 22249. This means they were made before September 2022. Consumers are asked to take a photo of the UPC code and date codes on the products and then throw them away. They can then contact Clorox for a refund. They can call Pine-Sol toll-free at 378-4982, email at