These systems “would be much better utilized inside Ukraine or inside NATO allies that are on Russia's periphery,” Murphy said, adding that they could also be moved to “other countries that right now
These systems “would be much better utilized inside Ukraine or inside NATO allies that are on Russia's periphery,” Murphy said, adding that they could also be moved to “other countries that right now matter more to the United States than Saudi Arabia.”
Murphy is among a number of leading U.S. senators who have called for cutting back military and other aid to the Saudis in the wake of last week’s agreement between the kingdom to join with Russia to cut back oil production, a move that is expected to lead to another spike in U.S. gas prices. President Joe Biden said this week “there will be consequences” for the Saudis but has so far declined to offer specifics.
despite last year's release of a U.S. intelligence report that concluded that the de facto Saudi leader approved the operation that led to the brutal murder of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi. “Oh my God, I'm just so sick of talking about it,” Murphy replied when asked if the fist bump with the Crown Prince was a mistake. “I mean they were fist-bumping because of Covid protocols. They weren't fist-bumping because they're good buddies.
“I just think this is so overwrought,” he added. “The United States has a relationship with Saudi Arabia. The president of the United States should be able to talk to the crown prince. Frankly, I think the United States should be talking to our adversaries too. I think the United States should be talking to the Iranians. I think we should be in dialogue with the North Koreans. I think occasionally we should be talking with the Russians.