Demi Lovato Is Back To Her Rock Roots With Her New Album HOLY FVCK And She Opens Up About Addiction, Loss, and Predatory Relationships. demilovato HOLYFVCK
Demi Lovato has made her most loyal fans extremely happy. For those who loved her albums Don’t Forget, and Here We Go Again, which were released in the mid-2000s and written during her years on the Disney channel, prepare to rejoice. Rock and roll Demi is back. HOLY FVCK is an absolute banger and a stark departure from her previously pop-dominated albums.
Most strikingly, Lovato recently acknowledged an inappropriate past relationship she had with an older man when she was still a minor. Her song, “29,” perhaps alludes to the circulating questions about her relationship with Wilmer Valderrama, a man twelve years her senior when they were together. In this song, Lovato sings that she is “finally 29, funny just like you were at the time.