Despite calls for seizure, the Morozov Collection is heading home from Russia from the Fondation Louis Vuitton:
law passed August 10, 1994, “the French State cannot sequester these paintings, pastels, and sculptures because they are the responsibility of foreign public institutions.”
Meanwhile, Jean-Paul Claverie, an advisor to Fondation Louis Vuitton owner Bernard Arnault, confirmed that the museum would “ensure, as agreed, [the artworks’] return to their museum.” Claverie added that if conditions “for them to travel safely turn out to be insufficient, we will wait.”Portrait du collectionneur de la peinture moderne russe et francaise Ivan Abramovitch Morozov, Moscou
. Coll. Ivan Morozov, 1910. Galerie nationale Trétiakov, Moscou / The State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.that in light of “drastic measures” taken to punish Russian as its attack on Ukraine escalated, including the cancellation of flights between France and Russia, “problems [had] emerged” with regard to the repatriation of the Morozov Collection.