The practice supposedly exfoliates and detoxes your skin.
, to learn about the history of dry brushing, how to properly do it, and its many supposed health benefits.For starters, Katie explained what exactly dry brushing is."Dry brushing is a tool [using a dry bristle brush on dry skin] for the revivification of the lymphatic system — a core piece of our physiology that not only gives our skin a glow, but more importantly it helps boost our immune system," she told BuzzFeed.
Before my shower one morning, I worked my brush in circular motions starting at my feet and working my way up to my stomach, like Katie instructed. Then I did the same motions on the other side before moving onto my upper body.I actually really loved the feeling of the dry bristles on my dry skin. It felt like I was getting a really good exfoliation — something I admittedly don't do often enough to my skin.
From there, I took my shower as usual and then made sure to lather myself with a rich body lotion once I dried off. All I can say is wowww, my skin felt baby smooth and plump! I could easily see why TikTok loves doing this as part of their before-shower routine.I was eager to make dry brushing a part of my everyday routine, but Katie explained that it"It's best to dry brush once a day, particularly in the springtime. However, you can overdo it.
"Enter dry brushing. This simple practice helps the lymph tissue move fluids more efficiently, aiding with the processing of toxins and excrement through the system," she said.