Through her website 'Aid Access,' people can talk with a physician and order abortion pills, even in places that restrict them.
Now with the reversal possibly right around the corner, there’s one woman quickly becoming one of the most important providers in the country, even though she lives thousands of miles away.
In 2014, the documentary “Vessel” documented her efforts to provide abortions on ships in offshore waters near countries like Ireland, Poland, Morocco and Guatemala. Since 2018, she’s been assisting tens of thousands of women in the U.S., too — this time through her website aid access. DR. REBECCA GOMPERTS: So most states don't criminalize the women that do the abortions, so they cannot be prosecuted. That said, the other risk is that women will be scared to see a first aid or a doctor in case they might have a complication. And that is why Aid Access always tells women, 'Don't say to anybody that you took the abortion pills, but just say that you had a miscarriage.
GOMPERTS: I am a medical doctor, and I have an obligation and a medical oath that I will support people that are in medical need. And so my conscience is bigger than my fear, I guess. In Ukraine, for example, Dr. Gomperts says her other organization, Women on Web, has been very active. “It's like preventive medicine," Dr. Gomperts said."It's what people do when they travel. You know, you bring some antibiotics and painkillers with you to make sure that if you get ill, that you can that you have the things that you need to treat yourself.”