A leak in a fuel pipeline facility in California forced a shutdown of deliveries of gasoline and diesel from the Los Angeles area east to areas including Las Vegas and Phoenix.
A fuel pipeline leak in California forced a shutdown of deliveries of gas and diesel from the Los Angeles to areas including Las Vegas and Phoenix.A leak in a fuel pipeline facility in California forced a shutdown of deliveries of gasoline and diesel from the Los Angeles area east to areas including Las Vegas and Phoenix, but officials said Friday they believed supplies would not immediately be affected.
"There are no injuries or fire reported as a result of this incident," said a company statement, provided by Katherine Hill, communications manager for the publicly traded company. It did not say how much fuel leaked or when service would be restored.SEE ALSO |"The appropriate regulatory agencies have been notified, and an investigation into the cause and quantity of the release will be conducted," the statement said.
The county said the pipeline provides fuel storage facilities in Southern Nevada with unleaded and diesel fuel. Another pipeline operated by UNEV Pipeline LLC serves the Las Vegas area from northern Utah.