On HouNewsmakers this morning at 10:30 TroyFinner talks about his first year as chief of houstonpolice and the element of trust he says is in the community for the department. See full interview this morning at 10:30 & EXTRA
Houston Police Chief Troy Finner is finishing his first year as Houston’s top cop and celebrates that milestone as a guest on this week’s Houston Newsmakers with Khambrel Marshall.
Chief Finner says the city’s homicide rate is still unacceptably high but is trending in the right direction and more needs to be done. “We cannot allow violent offenders time after time to commit violent crimes and we’re letting them out,” he said. “That’s not Victim-centric,” Finner said, referring to the need to pay much more attention to the impact felt by the victims of crimes.”Finner says the attention being focused on Judges who may give low bonds may be misplaced and singles out another problem area.
“The bail bonding industry. They don’t get a pass. Because when judges are doing the right thing and giving proper bond…We’ve always been in a system where it’s been 10%. Now it’s three, two and sometimes one percent. That’s just not right,” he said.