In the name of better sleep, we asked an Enneagram expert for her take on how each type can nail bedtime, and assigned a tip from there. 💤
Type One: Ditch the news before bed.
"Ones tend to want to fix things," Hall tells mbg. So, seeing upsetting current events will make them want to fix it or do something about it. And if they can't, they'll feel frustrated, which can prevent good sleep. Ones should aim to get their daily dose of news during the day and, when it's time for bed, opt for something a little lighter or even humorous.This ad is displayed using third party content and we do not control its accessibility features.
. It doesn't have to be anything lengthy, and if you're new to meditating, she suggests trying some guided or app-based meditations.For threes, the biggest issue may very well be putting the phone down at the end of the night."Threes always want to have their phone within arm's reach," Hall says,"but unless they have a job where they absolutely need to be on call, everything will be OK if the phone isn't right there.
. Whatever creates an"immersive, sensory experience" to help them calm down is great for these folks.