'Divorce pulls you back, drags you down, and makes you miss moments that happened a decade ago, moments you didn't think were that precious at the time but are now burned in your mind.'
A few weeks ago, I was in a really good place. My kids were with their father, I went for a long run, got a massage and did some shopping before I had a group of friends over for the evening. I was happy, content, and felt so damn peaceful. I didn’t want the feeling to leave me.
Emotional pain can make you feel like the days are dragging their damn feet on purpose. There have been times I’ve watched the clock, waiting for a decent time to turn off the lights and put myself to bed in hopes the weight I’ve been carrying around with me would lift. I was so tired, I was sick to my stomach. And all I could think as I was crying my way to spin class was,
. Those two are tight and refuse to go anywhere without each other. I felt sad about all the things I couldn’t be for my family to fix my marriage while my ex-husband and I were falling apart. Then I was sad about how I wasn’t the same woman I had been just a few days before when I felt like things were finally on the upswing.Rubberball/Mike Kemp/Getty and Scary Mommyand to start a new life but that doesn’t mean the emotional ride won’t impact you.