Fyre Fest 2.0?
Influencers took to social media over the weekend to complain about the exclusive Revolve Festival, claiming it was reminiscent of the infamous Fyre Fest. The two-day festival, hosted by the clothing company of the same name, occurs annually in La Quinta, California, during the first weekend of Coachella. Many attendees complained that they could only reach the remote festival by designated coach buses that were horribly scheduled, forcing influencers to wait for hours in the sun.
Joseph Kapsch ofbroke the story Saturday, tweeting: “Influencers stranded in the dirt with no water, under the hot sun for HOURS, waiting for buses that aren’t coming to bring them to actual festival.” Some TikTokers said the situation was dangerous and that some people passed out. Kapsch added, “Security had crowds of influencers yelling how ‘important they were and why they deserved the first seat.