Adams focuses on quality of life in his first full annual management report which tracks the city’s sprawling government.
Bike lanes, congestion and e-bikesinstall 300 miles of bike lanesThe latest report shows 47.7 miles of bike lanes installed in fiscal year 2023. Unless the amount of lanes increases dramatically in the coming years, Adams will fall well short of his campaign pledge.
Other data showed that congestion is getting worse: traffic speeds in Manhattan south of 60th Street dropped to a pitiful 7.8 miles per hour in fiscal year 2023, down from 8.4 miles per hour in fiscal year 2022. That part of Manhattan is expected to see a dramatic decrease in traffic once the MTA’s congestion programCity data also shows a crackdown on illegal motorcycles and mopeds that aren’t registered as motor vehicles.
In Fiscal Year 2023, the average daily number of people locked in New York City jails rose 6% to 5,873, with new admissions increasing by 22% compared to fiscal year 2022. While the average length of stay in city jails decreased from 120 days to 104 days in 2023, people are still being jailed