You won't recognize Julia Roberts and Sean Penn in the trailer for their new project 'Gaslit'
followed on March 16. It opens with shadowy shots of the Watergate break-in before showing much of the press and public fawning over Martha. Government officials, however, begin to view her as a liability and go to great lengths to silence her. In one scene, her husband slaps her and tells her to take a breath. She, however, hits back hard.
“Martha was like every Fox News personality rolled into one,” the former toldin February. “She was a total conservative cheerleader. I’ve always been fascinated by conservative women like that. You want to root for them because a woman in this movement is kind of punk rock, but also punk rock for horrible things. In the writers’ room we really weren’t interested in a Wikipedia rundown of the events as much as we were hyper interested in the truth of the characters.