'It's impossible to sleep, to eat, to be calm now.'
“I think we’ve all been watching the news, the horrible things that have been going on. And this event was inspired by is like late Thursday night, and a friend sent me the TikTok video from a young woman in Ukraine, in a bomb shelter, pleading for the international community to do something and organize protests. And we thought, we got to do it, we’ve got to do it here in Juneau,” said Nick Moe. He organized the rally along with Lisa Denny.
“I think it’s really important, we get off our phones, get off the TV screen, and build community,” he said. He said he has been trying to coordinate his friends across Ukraine to get to safety, pairing those who have cars with those without a means of transportation. Bell said she’s glad to be in Juneau, but the family is still very connected with their home in Ukraine.