'It's an hour and forty-five minutes long. Someone commented on Twitter that it's as long as 'The Boss Baby.''
BuzzFeed Daily: What's your initial reaction? Was it worth the wait?Here's the thing — the thing that most people know about this album at this point is that it's so long. It's an hour and 45 minutes long. Someone commented on Twitter that it's as long asBut also the fact that it's that long kind of makes it seem almost like a choose-your-own-adventure kind of album.
BuzzFeed Daily: What do you make of the latest issue over this DaBaby track? Some say it was due to legal and copyright issues and Kanye said Universal was out of line. He reportedly told his manager in a text message,"I'm not taking my brother off. He was the only person who said he would vote for me in public." And there was, of course, a lot of controversy surrounding DaBaby beforehand, which we will get to later.
And so if you're Kanye's management — if you're Kanye specifically — I think you're thinking about the fact that your label doesn't want DaBaby associated with you. DaBaby like wants to lay low and he wants to maybe cut through all this industry facade to be like,"Well, no, DaBaby's my brother and I want him on this album."
I have to say that when we found out that DaBaby and Marilyn Manson are going to be on the same song together — which is this second version of the song"Jail" — it was at the third listening event that Kanye held for this album.
BuzzFeed Daily: [Kim Kardashian has] been showing up to all of these events, and for her to be showing up to these release parties with her kids, and then in a wedding dress... I'm confused. Was this whole divorce just a smokescreen for this album release?I think Kanye is heartbroken, and also just being a divorced dad about all of these things.