According to Maeday Rescue, the “Don’t Worry Darling” director “realized that Gordy didn’t love the travel life and wasn’t happy around toddlers.”
The Los Angeles-based dog rescue organization from which Olivia Wilde adopted her Golden Retriever, Gordon, wants to “set the record straight” about what really happened to him.Friday to explain the “Don’t Worry Darling” director’s decision to “re-home Gordy.”
According to Maeday, the organization “rescued” Gordon – “along with his 4 littermates” – from an unnamed “shelter” in 2018. An LA-based dog rescue center is sticking up for Olivia Wilde amid bombshell claims from the actress’ former nanny.Wilde “adopted” one of the four dogs “at 2 months old” and gave him “much love,” “training” and “travel adventures.”