“Daily Show” host Trevor Noah expressed deep skepticism that Trump could “declassify documents with his brain” when he couldn’t even “read documents with his brain.”
Sometimes a Donald Trump story comes along that is so dumb, every late-night comedy host can’t help but make way too many jokes about it. This Thursday was one of those nights. After Trump told Fox News’ Sean Hannity this week that, as president, he had the power tohost Trevor Noah, who expressed deep skepticism that Trump could “declassify documents with his brain” when he couldn’t even “read documents with his brain.
Over on ABC, Jimmy Kimmel took aim at Hannity for failing to follow up on the ridiculous claim. “His approach was basically, ‘Show me on the doll where the FBI investigated you,” he said. “I mean you have to hand it to Sean. When life gives him felons, he makes felon-ade!”