Britney Spears' mom, Lynne Spears, said that her daughter can take care of herself, and should be able to choose her own lawyer for her conservatorship case.
Lynne Spears' attorneys said the pop star's"capacity is certainly different today than it was in 2008," when her conservatorship began. The filing further noted that Britney Spears had toured and produced multiple albums since the start of her conservatorship.
"Now, and for the past many years, Conservatee is able to care for her person and in fact has, inside of the parameters of this conservatorship, earned literally hundreds of millions of dollars as an international celebrity," Tuesday's filing stated."Her capacity is certainly different today than it was in 2008, and Conservatee should no longer be held to the 2008 standard, whereby she was found to 'not have the capacity to retain counsel.
as soon as she received another court-appointed lawyer. Spears' manager, Larry Rudolph, also resigned after her testimony, and wealth management firm the Bessemer Trust has petitioned for its removal as co-conservator.