The COVID-19 pandemic strained health care systems around the world -- and it also challenged medical organizations that support children with serious medical conditions and their families.
systems around the world -- and it also challenged medical organizations that support children with serious medical conditions and their families.
In addition to offering families a place to stay, they provide education programs, recreation, group meals, and common areas for kids to play and families to connect -- all of which became problems during the pandemic. Some houses in the U.S. began welcoming families again in May 2020. But even when their doors opened, many of the services had to be canceled or changed.
The charity also had to find new ways of fundraising, since in-person events were canceled. The entire organization shifted its efforts online. It was a large undertaking, but in the end, it helped the organization find new ways of reaching people to support their work, Dolan says.Make-A-Wish Foundation grants wishes for children who are critically ill or have terminal health conditions.
“It is humbling to see the creativity that has come from our wish grantors during this period of time,” Hall says. “It really brought out the best in everyone.”