The “America's Newsroom” co-anchor mixed up some names during a segment about whether critical race theory should be taught in elementary schools.
that examines how policies and the law perpetuate systemic racism, should be introduced to American students at a younger age. The subject is typically taught in law and graduate schools.
Unsurprisingly, Hemmer, Perino and Thiessen were of the view that the subject should be kept out of grade-school classrooms and be reserved for college students. “In college you should be studying everything,” Thiessen said on “America’s Newsroom” Tuesday. “We should be studying Karl Marx, we should be studying ’M,’ we should be studying all sorts of bad ideologies, and students should be opening their minds. When you’re teaching grade-school kids, you’re forming young citizens, you’re teaching them patriotism, you’re teaching them how to understand their country, and that’s very different from what you’re teaching in a college class.
That’s when Hemmer said that critical race theory taught at a college level is “fair game,” and committed his slip of the tongue while attempting to boast about his intellectual curiosity.