Democrats in the state of New York have introduced a bill to ban children from playing tackle football, arguing that it puts them at risk.
Democrats in the state of New York have introduced a bill to ban children from playing tackle football, arguing that it puts them at undue risk of injury.
“While the Super Bowl is an awful lot of fun, it’s not fun when you see young children run around, playing a game that they are hitting their heads, dozens to a hundred times a week – brains that are rapidly developing,” “Body checking is outlawed in youth soccer leagues up until the age of 14. Why? Because they want to protect the brain. The question is, why hasn’t football, the most dangerous sports when it comes to this, has not said anything about it yet?” heBenedetto said the science shows that children should not be playing tackle football at a young age, but Pop Warner, the largest youth football organization in the country, disagrees.