The charges include possessing and trafficking meth, fentanyl and cocaine. There are 66 charges total between 16 people.
– A big drug bust in Bradford County called Operation Summer Break ended with the arrest of six people, theThe Bradford County Sheriff’s Office Drug Task Force with the assistance of the Bradford County SWAT Team and the Union County Sheriff’s Office Drug Task Force executed the arrest warrants for the narcotics operation.
The charges include possessing and trafficking meth, fentanyl and cocaine. There are 66 charges total between these 16 people.Many of the suspects arrested have a criminal history in Bradford County, according to jail records. If anyone in the community knows the whereabouts of the subjects listed below with outstanding warrants, they are encouraged to contact the Bradford County Sheriff’s Office at 966-6161. On June 7, 2022, The Bradford County Sheriff’s Office Drug Task Force with the assistance of the Bradford County SWAT Team and the Union County Sheriff's Office Drug Task Force, executed arrest warrants from the Narcotics Operation: Summer Break.