Consolidation and the pouring of billions of dollars by conservative billionaires into our media infrastructure has produced a crisis, writes Thom_Hartmann.
His company continues to keep a tightly held secret the algorithm which decides which pages and posts get pushed to readers and which don't, thus secretly deciding what types of news and opinion are most heavily spread across America.
To compound the confusion about who to trust in the news business, about two decades ago two reporters for a Fox station in Florida were by station management to alter a story about Monsanto's recombinant bovine growth hormone to make it friendlier to Monsanto. They complied multiple times until the alterations reached the point where they believed the story was filled with blatant lies and refused to air it.
The problem, of course, is the old James Madison quote about our not needing laws if men were angels, and its corollary, that those who administer and adjudicate our laws are as potentially corruptible as anybody else.