COVID-19 led to severe health issues, he said.
“Initially, I looked forward to gradually returning to this environment, which was my life,” said Eby in a letter to. “But after hours of counseling from medical professionals, my family, and soul searching, this is not what is best for those who in good faith voted for me, to continue my term in office.
Registered Republicans interested in filling the vacancy will have an opportunity to make their case to the committee, who will select one individual for recommendation. Perry County Republican Committee Chairman Donald McClure Jr. hopes to have the position filled by the end of January 2023, though he made clear that that is a goal and not a hard deadline.
“I have an enormous amount of respect for Gary Eby, and it is profoundly unfortunate that he finds himself in a spot where he has decided that he has to step away. He needs to be honored for having put the county ahead of his own personal goals or desires. that he understands that full devotion to the county and full devotion to his recovery are not one and the same in this case … it takes a wise person to do what he’s done.
Eby served on the boards of Soil Conservation, Mental Health and Individuals with Developmental Disabilities, Perry County Health Coalition, Perry County Family Partnership Board, Local Emergency Planning Committee, Central Pennsylvania Transportation Authority, and the Emergency Medical Services Strategic Planning Committee.
“I have had the pleasure of working with Commissioner Eby for the last three years very closely,” said Commissioner Brenda Watson. “I can tell you that he has amazing passion for Perry County. You see this job is not a job that simply requires you to sit at a desk. We are considered working commissioners, which means that it is an everyday and a lot of nights kind of job. Each day can bring so many different issues and Gary was always up for the challenge.
“I know we’ve had our battles, but I think he had his head in the right direction for the county and the people of the county and I will miss it,” said Perry County Prison Warden Karen Barclay.