Carolyn Hax: Snoring so loud, it’s rattled their entire marriage
He snores. So loudly sometimes it wakes me up. Usually I can jostle his pillow or brush his arm and he moves and it stops. But either he has been really loud lately or I have been sleeping lightly , because it’s been bad. He’s convinced that he didn’t sleep well last night because I kept jostling him when he “knew” he wasn’t snoring.We are both people who need quality sleep to be able to function, and that has not happened for the last week or so.
Aside from his wow behavior of committing to and sharing a life with someone he believes capable of deceit, there’s also the wow of his thinking he knows what he does when he is asleep.The easy part is to prove the snoring. Record him. Done. What you do with the relationship is harder — but I’m guessing you’ll get some good, clear guidance from his response when you roll tape for him. Anything less than, “Wow, I am so sorry for keeping you up all night with this, and even more sorry for calling you a liar — something I’ve never done before and never will do again and can’t explain having done this time,” is grounds for a serious rethink of the partnership you thought you had.My dad at times snores something fierce.