Piaggio, the maker of Vespa, unveils new AI robot, Kilo with innovative fast-following tech. This could be huge going into the future.
Featuring a hefty payload capacity of up to 130 kilograms, Kilo harnesses 4D radar imaging and cutting-edge sensors engineered by PFF.KILO is the “big brother” of GITA, and thanks to a larger capacity it can transport up to 100 kilograms.Piaggio Fast Forward, known for its activeness in futuristic robotics and mobility, has unveiled another addition to its portfolio.
This revolutionary robot is a hands-free robotic flatbed with hands-free human following capabilities. It has a payload of up to 300 pounds or 130 kilograms and a maximum speed of three miles per hour . Any operator can work with this revolutionary robot as it can be optionally outfitted with industry or facility-specific carts. Moreso, it can operate straight out of the box without the need for prior training of operators.
With extensive knowledge of pedestrian mobility, PFF has created a tech solution to move just like people. The kilo robots will also be able to travel independently on pavements and in pedestrian areas. It can also detect and predict human behaviors when operating at a pedestrian speed.