'Officers Chavez and Landry quickly made the scene and observed the suspect swimming naked without regard to the owner's wishes,' the police department joked on Facebook.
Thursday that they had recently been called to deal with a"criminal trespass" in a Fulshear Creek neighborhood.
When they placed Emma on the ground before carrying her to their vehicle, she clamped her jaw down onto the grass, perhaps in a last-ditch effort to avoid being taken to the station as the officer clamped her jaw shut with his hand. But, she was again unsuccessful and was taken into custody by the officers.
Commenters loved to see the department's sense of humor, and some took the time to make a few jokes of their own.user."For shame FPD, for shame." Under the Texas Endangered Species Act in 1973, it is illegal for Texans to hunt, raise or possess an alligator without a special license. Should a Texan encounter a gator believed to be a nuisance, they should call wildlife officials to help remove and relocate the creature. In the state of Texas,"an alligator that is depredating [killing livestock or pets] or a threat to human health or safety.