Bexar Appraisal District chief appraiser Michael Amezquita explains what's behind your appraisal and why the average increase this year is less than last year.
Though sales are slowing due to rising rates and prices, "we still have a tight market," Amezquita said.
"It's unfortunate," he said."It's not the most valuable property, but it's some of the biggest increases, because three or four years ago, some of those homes were valued at or below $100,000. Now, you can't touch anything for less than $200,000.
You can apply for exemptions to reduce your property's taxable value, beginning with the homestead exemption. There are additional exemptions if you are over 65, have disabilities, are a disabled veteran or use your property for agriculture or wildlife management. Peruseon the district's website and apply through that website or by calling 210-224-2432.
That means property owners can present similar properties to theirs, ask that their value be assessed at the median level and file a lawsuit if they don't think their property has been assessed equally, Amezquita said. For example, owners of a top-performing hotel or a luxury office tower could argue that their properties should be compared to older, dingier buildings.