White, red and bubbly—here are twelve delicious wines to buy for your Thanksgiving meal.
Skouras Megas Oenos, Greece, 2017:
A sultry blend of cabernet sauvignon and native Greek varietal, Agiorghitiko , cultivated from old vines that grow on the sunny slopes of the Pelopennese. Its complex and rich but has a savory freshness on the finish. Notes of ripe black cherry/raspberry fruit and warm notes of soft leather and spice conspire to make this one a versatile choice for many dishes, or just for enjoying on its own.
Rioja wines arrive on store shelves with more aging than other wines, in fact, they are among the longest-aged wines in the world, which makes them a terrific value—serving up elegance and Old World complexity with a nice dose of sun-drenched Spanish fruit Look fora tempranillo from Spain’s from Rioja Alta—a sub-region of Rioja with vineyards that tend to be at higher altitude This one has ripe fruit, tempered with aging and soft use of oak.