Meet the internet subculture obsessed with nuclear power — and proud of it
Armond Cohen, the co-founder and president of the environmental group Clean Air Task Force, says he was once opposed to nuclear. But now, he says, “We’re just staggered by the size of the energy system and the pace at which we have to replace fossil fuels.” Nuclear, he argues, has three benefits: Its power doesn’t fluctuate, like solar and wind, it has a small land footprint, and it can be scaled up dramatically over a period of decades.
“Occasionally I am met with skepticism about the existence of Nuclear Bros,” the climate writer David Roberts onceon Twitter. He then posted the screenshot of an email sent to him that began with “Hey dips***!!” and ended with “The answer to ALL our energy needs is in one word: THORIUM!!” who support an expansion of nuclear power along with growth in wind, solar, and geothermal power. It also sparks numerous online fights between supporters of renewables and supporters of nuclear.