Donald Trump’s new super PAC is paying off his usual suspects—again
It’s been a bewildering year for anyone following the soap opera that is Donald Trump’s fundraising groups. The fallout from a sexual assault scandal led to the demise of one PAC and the rise of another in its place, with a confusing march of new names—all a variation on the MAGA theme.
While the super PAC can’t directly contribute to Trump’s official committees or coordinate with him, it can spend that money to support and promote his political agenda—including backing a potential presidential bid, as well as other candidates he may endorse. But the old group wasn’t bled dry; it still holds about $754,000, and it’s unclear what will become of that cash.
Guilfoyle—the former fundraising chair for Trump Victory—also appears to have entered the revolving door as Lewandowski was flung out. The super PAC cut two checks worth a total $140,000 to KGT Global Consulting LLC, a Florida-based entity created in February whichLewandowski disappears from expenses after the incident—but not before cashing a handsome $83,000 check just a few weeks earlier.