“Was being used as a literal tool of Russian propaganda the straw that broke the camel’s back for Carlson?” Read the latest from besslevin.
Our personal favorite, that unless Vladimir Putin has personally had you or one of your family members murdered, you really don’t have any right to criticize the guy:Just how pro-Putin were Carlson’s comments? Clearly they speak for themselves, but if you need more convincing, just know that they were good enough for Russia’s state-run TV. PerAt least four times this week, Russian news reports have featured translated clips of Tucker Carlson or his guesta former Democratic U.S. representative….
An hour later, the evening news program on Russia’s main state television channel used a longer excerpt from the same Carlson monologue and shaped its own report to amplify the Fox News host’s attack on a Democrat. In the original Fox News broadcast, Carlson had suggested that Sen.a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee who worked to arm Ukraine with Javelin anti-tank missiles, was only doing so because of donations from American defense contractors like Raytheon.
On Wednesday night, just hours before Putin ordered the attack on Ukraine to begin, two excerpts from Carlson’s most recent program were featured in Russian state television’s 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. news broadcasts…. Carlson’s comments were so welcome in Moscow that an excerpt from that rant with Russian subtitles was quickly produced by the Russian-language service of RT, the government-funded network formerly known as Russia Today.
Was being used as a literal tool of Russian propaganda the straw that broke the camel’s back for Carlson? It’s impossible to say why he suddenly decided to backtrack, but presumably it can’t be trusted and he’ll be back to praising ole Vlad very soon.