The recommendations have changed for quarantine and testing.
The government agency has eliminated the need to quarantine after a COVID-19 exposure.MediaNews Group/Long Beach Press-Telegram via Getty Images/MediaNews Group/Getty Images
In the new guidelines, most former tight protocols have been loosened and the decision as to how to proceed after an infection and/or exposure have been left up to local officials and individuals. The CDC reiterated the importance of being up to date on vaccinations, masking in high-transmission areas, and isolating if youhave COVID-19. However, there are some major changes in guidelines if you were exposed to COVID-19.
Though the CDC has loosened and eliminated many previous COVID-19 guidelines, note that the CDC still recommends masking indoors in areas of the country where transmission rates are high. This includesThe agency also asked schools to ensure that masking polices assist students with disabilities or those who are immunocompromised. The agency aims to encourage teaches and administrators tothese students in everyday school life instead of isolating them due to their high-risk status.